Andy Patrizio is a freelance journalist based in southern California who has covered the computer industry for 20 years and has built every x86 PC he’s ever owned, laptops not included.
The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of ITworld, Network World, its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies.
x86 processor shipments finally realigned with typical seasonal trends for client and server processors, according to Mercury Research.
The HyperCool direct-to-chip system from ZutaCore is designed to cool up to 120kW of rack power without requiring a facilities modification.
Federal agencies including the IRS and Pentagon will have access to the Nvidia DGX SuperPOD system through MITRE, a nonprofit organization that operates federally funded R&D centers.
While it might be tempting to blame Nvidia for the shortage of HBM, it’s not alone in driving high-performance computing and demand for the memory HPC requires.
Plans call for building an institute to develop digital twins for semiconductor manufacturing and share resources among chip developers.
The HPE Cray Storage Systems C500 is tuned to avoid I/O bottlenecks and offers a lower entry price than Cray systems designed for top supercomputers.
New systems are designed to support generative AI and on-prem Azure.
Virtual Storage Platform One provides on-premises and cloud storage of both structured and unstructured data.